Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Back in Vietnam

Arrived in saigon on monday, a lot has changed since I was last ehre 3 years ago. The shell of the city is the same but a lot of the insides of the shell have changed. It feels more modern now, more chains, but when you look around you can still feel the beautiful Saigon charm.

The first thing I noticed was just how hot it is, its like a constant 35C and humidity is bordering on 100% (is that possible)? Went for a 40 minute walk this morning, and I was pretty much drenched, but I did manage to get a very nice, sweet nouc mia (sugar cane juice) for 10,000 vnd per glass, dont know if that is the going rate or not, but for that price I am not complaining. other than that I bought a few notebooks at fahasa, before nearly getting washed away by my own sweat, gross I know and finding refuge at l'usine.

Will keep you updated on how my adventure is going and what oddities I find along the way, if you have any suggestions for me to check out please comment below :)

Thursday, May 29, 2014

New Blog

Hi I decided to start a new blog, its a work in progress obviously, but it will be focused on my new ventures, my move to Vietnam, golf, running and soccer. Come back soon to find new and exciting content.